How to Peel a Tomato from Flammarion's "French Cooking"

Learn how to peel a tomato in this clip from the DVD accompanying Flammarion's forthcoming book, "French Cooking: Classic Recipes and Simple Techniques".

"French Cooking" offers the step-by-step kitchen techniques that are the secret to success. The book opens with a guide to the fundamentals of cooking: knife techniques, cooking methods, sauces and stuffings, eggs, dough. Each method is explained in text and photographs, with twenty-four further clarified on the accompanying ninety-minute DVD.

Organized in courses, 125 classic recipes are graded with a three-star rating so that home chefs can gauge its complexity—and expand their cooking abilities gradually with experience. Practical resources complete the volume, including visual dictionaries of basic kitchen equipment, cuts of meat, and types of herbs, grains, spices, legumes; a glossary; and indexes of the recipes, main ingredients, and culinary techniques. With an introduction by Paul Bocuse, this impressive volume is an essential guide for novice and established cooks alike.

ISBN: 978-2-08-030146-8 $49.95
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