Funeral for French-born chef Violier


Lausanne - 5 February 2016
1. Coffin containing body of French-Swiss chef Benoit Violier being carried out of church
2. Photograph of Violier
3. Coffin bearers
4. People applauding as hearse and accompanying convoy drive away covered in flowers
5. French chef and restauranteur, Joel Robuchon
6. Robuchon talking to other funeral guests
7. SOUNDBITE (French) Joel Robuchon, chef:
"Yes, it was moving. We were all, you know, shaken by this drama, and to be there, and see this woman and hear these words that touched her, it was really touching, to know this 11-year-old boy who was proud of his papa. I remember during a recent dinner with Philippe Rochat who was still around, and Fredy Girardet at his house, where the papa had just given a chef’s outfit to his little boy. He was proud, proud of his papa. This boy who had everything going for him to be able to succeed. We are all a bit devastated, you know, devastated and shaken by what has happened. It was really a moving homage to him today."
8. Robuchon kissing funeral guests goodbye
9. SOUNDBITE (French) Marc Veyrat, chef:
"Oh yeah, oh yeah, an extraordinary homage. I’ve never seen that. It’s incredible. It was so deserved. An orphan, yes."
10. People gathered outside Lausanne cathedral
11. Various of mourners coming out of cathedral
12. SOUNDBITE (French) Andre Kudelski, co-owner of Violier’s restaurant:
"One must say that he was someone who has always built his life on his ability to share his knowledge with the next generation. He always insisted upon the fact that everyone he knew should know how to transmit what they learned. That was a part of his deepest convictions. So with that in mind, it’s important to be able to pass on all this know-how that was developed and acquired."
13. People in front of cathedral
14. People leaving cathedral, police outside
Around 1,500 mourners attended the funeral for French-born 3-star chef Benoit Violier at Lausanne Cathedral on Friday.
Among the guests were celebrities of the restaurant world, and beyond.
World-famous chef and restauranteur Joel Robuchon said the homage to his friend by Violier's 11-year-old son was very moving.
Violier, whose restaurant near Lausanne recently topped a list of the world's best with its well-known game specialties, was found dead of a likely self-inflicted gunshot on Sunday.
He was 44.
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