How To Make Shortcrust Pastry In A Food Processor

In this video we look at how to make a sweet shortcrust pastry using a food processor. Making a shortcrust pastry in a food processor is really a time saver and allows you to make large quantities. And the big advantage is that it is extremely fast and consistent.

last but not least, the pastry will taste the same as if you were making it by hand. So now there is no excuse of not trying some baking yourself!

For this recipe you need:

250 Grams of plain flour
1 egg yolk
12.5 grams of white sugar (!!optional !! use only for the sweet version of shortcrust pastry)
125 grams of unsalted Butter
2 to 5 grams of salt
50 ml of water

when done cover in plastic wrap or a cloth and let it rest in the fridge for at least 2 hours

Once the dough has rested and you want to use it, take it out of the fridge and let it sit at room temperature for an hour or so which will make it easier to lay out using you rolling pin.

for conversion:
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