72 Hrs at Paris Fashion Week | Girls Trip, New Makeup GRWM, French Food, & What I Wore | Sanne Vloet

A Quick 72 Hrs at Paris Fashion Week | My First Girls Trip To Fashion Week, I Discovered My Favorite Makeup, Chatty Paris GRWM Beauty Routine, Taking You Along To See Our Favorite French Foods, & Our Favorite Things We Wore During Fashion Week | Sanne Vloet

Hey Guys!

I need your Netflix recommendations! I’m going to be traveling the entire month of October and I think I’m going to be visiting Turkey (Istanbul), Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka), and in November I’m going to go back to my favorite city in China, Shanghai! So if you live in any of these cities let me know in the comments. I am definitely going to be planning time to meet everyone who wants to meet while I am on the road so make sure to follow me on Instagram (@sannevloet) where I will update about my travel! Back to TV Shows, have any of you started watching Dark? If you like Stranger Things you should watch Dark, Max and I just started watching it! Can’t wait to read all your recommendations!

Paris Fashion Week is officially over today, which means Fashion Month has come to and end! It was a hectic one and I didn’t get to enjoy the end of Paris Fashion Week because I had a job that starts shooting today in LA! I woke up this morning at 4:30am LA time because of the time zone difference so I wanted to make sure I refreshed this note to you guys! This year I really experienced fashion week differently. I usually don’t go to as many events, I haven’t attended many shows like I did this year, and wow I had more meetings than last year, but they felt like Fashion Week castings. My Dutch girls and I decided to go to Paris together so we jumped on the train together, rented an airbnb, and we ate everything! We did some crazy things like jumping onto a tuk tuk like in Thailand and all six of us were able to get home, but looking back wasn’t the safest way!
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