Cadillac- Johnny Hallyday- Video by SLV French Class 1990

decided to finally dig this VHS tape up and convert it over to digital.
San Lorenzo Valley.
Madame Scalvino's French III.
Back to School Night was upon our class, and we had narry a Finger painting en Français to show for ourselves. Somehow someone got the idea in their head that a lip-synch Darren Thompson had done earlier in the year for the "enjoyment" of the class would be a great idea for a music video, which i was drafted to create. From start to finish, in 2 days time. Darren was going to have to pretend to sing the thing, which as you might guess isn't that easy if you only sort of speak French. I had to play the guitar part, and we got my brother Kirk to play drums, and Gideon Enz to play the bass. (neither Emerson Murray or Skye Barcus filmed Gideon after the first 3 seconds of the video though. oops!) some of the ladies of the class decided to become "Robert Palmer" dancing girls in the back... (Jennifer, Heather, Andrea...). later we'd film Mike Mosley as Monsieur Cadillac, umm, struggling to find his way in extra shots.
We used the stage that was set up for the musical that year (either Grease or Guys and Dolls, I'm not sure) and we got to shoot it in the 20 minute Brunch break before the Choir class. everyone got on stage and figured out where to stand, since we'd had no rehearsal at all, and we had to be back off the stage in about 12 minutes, we weren't going to get one. AT ALL. we pressed record, we pressed play, we danced, we sang, and a fabulous time was had by all. The incoming choir helped us out as a Darren-hungry audience of screaming girls as well. :-)
We only had time to record one take, and had to work with what footage we got- all things considered, it went pretty well! later that day we filmed some "montage shots," and i got to edit everything down that afternoon and bring the tape to school that evening. whew!
I tried to clean up the videotape, but it's kind of funky, being 20+ years old. i also got OCD and had to change the "historical" shots to sort of a cheesy old-film style, since you couldn't do that kind of thing back when we did this, at least not in two days time. :-P. other than a few other tweaks to clean up the image, and the text overlay, this is it!
So what weird stuff do you still have floating around from high school??
Johnny Hallyday
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