Let's Cook History: The French Revolution (Food History Documentary) | Timeline

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The French Revolution in 1789 had a major impact on French society, as it meant the end of an era of absolute monarchy. Old ideas of hierarchy and power were replaced by new ones, including the emergence of the bourgeoisie. Of course, these social changed left its trails in the culinary world. As is shown in this episode, Paris was the birthplace of the first restaurants where the Nouveaux Riches wined and dined.

Lets Cook History is an entertaining and informative five part series exploring the origins of European cooking and eating habits. Each episode reconstructs a famous meal on from a different period in history, depicting the evolution of tastes, customs and world trades that have shaped the contemporary cuisine.

Content licensed from Java Films. Any queries, please contact us at: owned-enquiries@littledotstudios.com

Produced by Eyeworks
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