I REGRET NOTHING Edith Piaf English Words for Je Ne Regrette Rien 2 40

thank you for allowing embellishment of this copyright not my own


No-nothing on nothing____________________________Non-rien de rien
No-i regret nothing__________________________Non-je ne regrette rien
Not the good___________________________________________Ni le bien
Done to me_________________________________________Qu'on ma fait
Not the bad_____________________________________________Ni le mal
To me it's all equal________________________Tout ca m'est bien egal

No-nothing of nothing___________________________Non-rien de rien
No-i regret nothing_________________________Non-je ne regrette rien
I've paid it_____________________________________________J'ai payee
Swept it__________________________________________________Balaiee
Forgot it_________________________________________________Oubliee
I don't care about the past__________________Je m'en fout du passe

With my memories___________________________Avec mes souvenirs
I lit the fire_______________________________________J'ai allume le feu
My fears, my pleasures_________________Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs
I don't need them anymore_______________J'e n'ai plus besoin d'eux
Swept away my loves___________________________Balaie les amours
With their tremours___________________________Avec leurs tremolos
Sweep away for forever_____________________Balaier pour toujours
I restart at zero___________________________________Je repart a zero

No, nothing on nothing__________________________Non, rien de rien
No, I regret nothing________________________Non, je ne regretted rien
Because my life________________________________________Car ma vie
Because my joys____________________________________Car mes joies
It all starts with with________________________Ca commence avec toi


please enjoy this classic by Edith Piaf- the legend of France.
This beautiful song was used in the movie "Inception", and Edith Piaf's voice has transcended into history as one of the most emotional ever.
....her tone is hauntingly beautiful and her quiver moves the soul don't you think?
Edith will be known in history as one of the greatest singers that ever graced our earth. Her life was lived only with incredible highs and lows. Born in 1915 of a mother who abandoned her and a father conscripted to W.W.I, she grew up in a brothel before going out into the streets of Paris at 15 to sing on the sidewalks for money. By the coming of the second great war, she had become France's most celebrated songstress. She died at only 46 years of age, having lived a life that sometimes included bouts of promiscuity, depression and substance abuse. Some say it is the reason why her voice is so spellbinding- all her life quivered in her cadences...maybe why her voice can even break hearts today.
Maybe apocryphal, but interesting to note that she passed in 1963, the day after her dear friend Jean Cocteau, and that her last words were...."every damn thing you do wrong in life, you pay for later"
Hope you like how i imagined her words in english...thank you and have a nice day...cheers+T'Is
Edith Piaff
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