How to make a Stroganoff (using Mauviel m'cook saute pan) | French Cooking Academy

Beef Strognanoff is one of the first recipe that is taught in modern French culinary school and for good reasons, it is simple it have use some useful coking techniques and it taste great.

More about beef stroganoff (accurately called Stroganov) : as you may imagine this is not a French recipe but a bit of a mystery recipe coming for Russia, however no one know for sure where it originated. History has it that French chef André Dupont, who worked for the Comte adjudant-général de l’Empire russe, Pavel Alexandrovitch Stroganov (hence the name) invented the recipe but who knows...

Via comments, Chef Mark Thomsen contributed the following information regarding the origin of that recipe:
"originally, no mushrooms, no oil, no cream. If you want, however, shallots are as good as normal onions. The dish was named after Grigorij Stroganoff who was born in the late 1700's, and his family. Vodka, tomato purée, bacon, cream, lemon, pickles, capers and parsley are all things added to the dish later on, and the most popular variant of the dish uses mushrooms. It has been done that way since 1891, when a French chef called Charles Brière presented his version of the dish at a competition in Paris - which is the "new" base of the recipe that most people use today. so if you feel adventurous give it a try.

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