Constantina - lettre d'amour - enrico macias


Gaston Ghrenassia, known by his stage name Enrico Macias, (French pronunciation: ​[ɛn.ʁ'sjas] ; born 11 December 1938 in Constantine, (then in French Algeria). Is an Algerian, French Pied-noir, singer and musician. He is popular throughout the world and has travelled extensively for fifty years, from the early 1960s to the present.

He was named Singer of Peace by UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim in 1980 after he donated the proceeds of his single "Malheur à celui qui blesse un enfant" to the Unicef,
in 1997 and Kofi Annan named him Roving Ambassador for Peace and the Defence of Children.

Due to his support of Israel, he has never been permitted to return to Algeria since he left in 1961. His decision to try to play concerts in Algeria resulted in huge controversy. After the cancellation of a proposed tour in Algeria in 2000, he wrote a book Mon Algérie (Editions Plon in October 2001) marketed as a "veritable love story between one man and his homeland". He attempted again unsuccessfully to visit Algeria in November 2007 accompanying French president Nicolas Sarkozy, but was faced with fierce resistance from several Algerian organizations and individuals, including Algerian Prime Minister Abdelaziz Belkhadem, due to his support of Israel. He has never been permitted to return to Algeria since he left in 1961.
Gaston Ghrenassia, known by his stage name Enrico Macias, (French pronunciation: ​[ɛn.ʁ'sjas] ; born 11 December 1938 in Constantine, (then in French Algeria). Is an Algerian, French Pied-noir, singer and musician. He is popular throughout the world and has travelled extensively for fifty years, from the early 1960s to the present.

He was named Singer of Peace by UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim in 1980 after he donated the proceeds of his single "Malheur à celui qui blesse un enfant" to the Unicef,
in 1997 and Kofi Annan named him Roving Ambassador for Peace and the Defence of Children.

Due to his support of Israel, he has never been permitted to return to Algeria since he left in 1961. His decision to try to play concerts in Algeria resulted in huge controversy. After the cancellation of a proposed tour in Algeria in 2000, he wrote a book Mon Algérie (Editions Plon in October 2001) marketed as a "veritable love story between one man and his homeland". He attempted again unsuccessfully to visit Algeria in November 2007 accompanying French president Nicolas Sarkozy, but was faced with fierce resistance from several Algerian organizations and individuals, including Algerian Prime Minister Abdelaziz Belkhadem, due to his support of Israel. He has never been permitted to return to Algeria since he left in 1961.
Once he flew over his natal town in order to see it again

Enrico is a widower, his wife Suzy Leyris died on the 23 December 2008, they had been married for 47 years. His 1993 album Suzy is dedicated to her.

Enrico is a widower, his wife Suzy Leyris died on the 23 December 2008, they had been married for 47 years. His 1993 album Suzy is dedicated to her.

Si je t'écris c'est que je pense à toi,
le soleil brule nos amours d'autre fois,
si je te chante, c'est que j'ai mal de toi,
le Mansoura nous a connu amoureux, toi et moi.

Est-ce que tu deviens quoi que j' aime,
depuis toutes ces années perdues,
moi je t' écrivais des poèmes
et je criais ton nom dans la rue.
J' aimais ces moments là,
quand tu venais vers moi,
sous le soleil tu étais belle.

Tu t' es mariée,
il y a longtemps de ça ,
Il y a un pont suspendu,
loin de moi....

Je joue encore de la guitare,
je ne parle plus jamais de toi,
... j'ai raconté notre histoire,
beaucoup de gens
ne comprendraient pas,
combien on s' est aimés
surtout les nuits d' été.

Tu me as manquée,
je t' ai pleurée,
je pense à toi,
dans cette ville
où il fait toujours froid.
Où sont les puits,
les parfums
de autres fois,
aucun amour n' est plus violent que toi,
si je t' oublie.......
ce ne seras plus moi !!!
Enrico Macias
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